Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.) 

When can I join Scouts?

Be a boy who is 11 years old, OR one who has completed the fifth grade OR earned the Arrow of Light Award and is at least 10 years old, but is not yet 18 years old.

Why do I see some boys with different uniform parts than those listed below?

Every few years the Boy Scouts of America revised the uniform standards.   Those boys that already had uniforms were permitted to use those uniforms until they grow out of them or until they wore out

What is the difference between a Class A and Class B uniform?

Class A is the full "Field Uniform" that is listed below. We wear this uniform to all Campouts, meetings etc. and any time we are "in Public." The Class B uniform is the same as Class A except that a Troop T-Shirt is worn. The T-shirt is issued by the Troop. There is a standard T-shirt for the year and we typically issue one that is specific for summer camp each year. When in doubt Class A is appropriate. The boys should know when and where and if they don't they can ask their Patrol Leader.

What happens if it rains this weekend?

We are a rain or shine troop. If it's not dangerous we go. One example would be that in 1979 the Appalachian Trail hike was cancelled because 3-Mile Island was having a bit of a problem.

What are the hours of the Scout Shop?

Monday & Friday: 8:30 AM - 5 PM
Tuesday- Thursday: 8:30 AM - 7 PM
Saturday: 9:30 AM - 2 PM
Closed Sunday

Can I wear the shirt I used in Webelos?

Yes, if you have an official BSA khaki shirt you can wear this shirt once the patches are updated appropriately.

What else do I need?

A scout handbook to start, then use the Files Section on the Troop website and take a look at the Personal Packing List.

What Kind of Knife do I need? 

The official Boy Scout Knife shown at is a good choice.  Other knives are available, but this one offers multiple tools and will last you your entire scouting career (part #24081 or 24080).  Under no circumstances should your knife blade be longer than 2.5 inches. Any knife longer than this will be confiscated and only returned to a parent.  If the knife shows up again it will be confiscated and not returned.

What electronics can I bring on a camping trip?

We are a NO ELECTRONICS troop, electronics are not welcome.  Leaders will carry cell phones for emergency use.  Any electronics will be confiscated and returned only to a parent.

Be Active:  What does it mean?

In Troop 284 we expect that a Scout is a member because he enjoys the scouting program.  It is important that each Scout contributes to the overall character of the Troop. We want Scouts to get the most out of the program and actively engage when attending scouting activities.  The ranks of Star, Life and Eagle Scout all have a time requirement beginning with “Be Active.”   The time does NOT need to be consecutive, when calculating monthly activity.  Periods of inactivity may be explained by commitments to sports teams or other worthwhile activities. Some examples to use as a guide for where credit could be claimed toward advancement:Attend 3 (or all meetings scheduled) in a given month (1 month credit)Attend the November meeting and meet the sales quota (or more) for that year (1 Month Credit)Attend 50% of the meetings in a given month and attend a Day Hike or overnight camping Trip (1 month credit)Attend the Troop 2 week summer Camp, or another BSA camp (1 month credit)Most Scouts will have no trouble with the "be active" requirement, but Scouts should pay attention to this requirement so as not to be disappointed when coming up for rank advancement.  More detailed information can be found in the Guide to Advancement BSA Publication 3308

What are the uniform requirements for Troop 284?

Note: The list below is the correct list for our troop.  The scout shop personnel mean well but do not know our standards.

Offical Scout Shirt: (long sleeve or short sleeve)

Summer Uniform Shirt sleeves neatly rolled up

Winter Uniform Shirt sleeves unrolled

* Either shirt may be worn year round, with the sleeves rolled up on the long sleeve shirt in Summer

Shoulder tabs: Forest Green 

Official Red Neckerchief: Plain red version or 284 Est. 1920 issue

Official Neckerchief Slide: Hand carved or homemade slides are acceptable ie. Woggle

Official Scout Belt 

Official Scout Switchback Pants: Nylon Version 

Summer uniform: Pant legs removed 

Winter Uniform Pant legs attached

Official Scout Socks: Gray/Green calf length Thor-Lo Light Hiker from Scout Shop or

Hiking Boots No Sneakers 

**No substitutions**


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