Background Information

     We expect Scout and Parents to have a enriching and positive experience joining our family at Radnor Troop 284. The Troop has been around for close to 100 years with a rich history of adventure and accomplishment. We look forward to you adding to the Troop’s legacy.


      The Troop is organized into 4 patrols (Eagle, Flaming Arrow, Hornet, Raven) each with 6-8 scouts each . The Staff is comprised of older Scouts tenth grade and above are are tasked to run the Troop. The Senior Patrol Leader is the most senior scout who is responsible for running each meeting with Staff with and Adult leaders present to provide guidance. Each patrol serves as its own mini leadership unit with a Patrol Leader, Assistant Patrol Leader, Patrol Quartermaster, etc. all working together as a team. Scouts stay with their patrols on all camping trips and troop outings in the hope that all patrol members enjoy the friendship, sense of belonging, and achievements of the patrol and of each of its members. Patrols compete against each other at Troop Meeting and Events though the year.


      This is a Scout led troop, which means the Scout is expected to communicate, lead and advocate for themself. The Scout is expected to speak for themself when interacting fellow scouts and Troop leaders, and should always seek input and advice from older Scouts in the Troop. Parents are not to take the lead for the Scout even though they may have a strong guiding hand in the background. While parents stepping back can be challenging at times, it is the best way for the Scouts to get the most out of their Scouting experience and ultimately it will help prepare them for life.


     Troop Meetings Saturdays from September to June 8:30AM-10:30AM at the Scout Cabin  We also have some meetings at Wayne Presbyterian Church in January and February. Troop fall in is 8:30AM followed by Patrol meetings and advancement time. Each week will have activities geared towards rank advancement and merit badge progress.

A Staff and Patrol Leaders Meeting is held at the close of each meeting.


 The Troop has at least one outdoor activity each month. Camping occurs in September, October,February, March, April and May that may include French Creek SP, Gettysburg NP, Delmont Scout Reservation Winter Cabin, sections of Appalachian Trail, Elk Neck SP, Delaware River Canoeing, Wading River New Jersey Canoeing, Hickory Run SP, Ricketts Glen SP, Cape May Coast Guard Station, and Hawk Mountain.

 In November, December, January, and February we usually do a day hikes that average 10 miles each that include Valley Forge Trail, Wissahickon Creek, Washington’s Crossing Trail, and Ben Franklin Trail. We occasionally have Ski trips and Shooting Sports events.

 We travel in CLASS A uniform for all trips unless specified otherwise. Trip departures will be specified from Wayne Presbyterian Church parking lot or ATT lot.

Trip departure time  - prompt arrival expected, Troop will leave immediately after fall in

Transportation - We rely on all parents to assist in transportation to and from our outings. Patrol Leaders and the SPL will be making all travel arrangements prior to our trips. Scouts are expected to travel with their Patrols to and from Campouts. Scouts coming late to Fall / Winter / Spring Campout events are discouraged but Scouts with legitimate excuses may arrive late with advanced notice to SPL/PL/SM with logistical burden of connecting safely with the Troop on the parent.

Food - Patrol Leaders or their designee will provide food for Scouts and assigned adults, Scouts are not to bring their own food, Patrol leaders need to be alerted to any specific allergies and or dietary needs in advance.

Cost - Scouts and Adults attending will pay cost of food. Patrol Leaders or their designee with collect money for food at preceding Troop meeting or prior to departure..

Medications: a designated adult leader will carry and supervise medications that a Scout may require

Packing list - see Troop Packing list online / Scouts working on Rank advancement must always bring Handbook

Parent Scout Campout in May - This is the only campout each year that Parents are encouraged to attend (but no siblings).


     The annual Wreath Sale is the Troop’s only fundraiser; all Scouts are expected to sell their quota of 50 wreaths and serves as their dues to the Troop.

  1. Parents of Scouts who are unable or unwilling to participate, or Scouts that do not reach their 50 wreath quota will receive a letter from the Troop Committee identifying the monetary contribution they need to make to accommodate the shortfall. (# wreaths below 50 X $9.50 = contribution) up a total of $475 to meet the cost of scout year.

  2. Monetary donation of $9.50 is equivalent to one wreath sale.

  3. CAMP CREDIT: Scouts who sell more than their 50 wreath quota will receive a “summer camp credit” of $40 for each 10 wreaths sold above 50. There is no partial credit; they must be in units of 10.

    1. There is no limit to the number of wreaths a Scout can sell and therefore also no limit to the amount of credit a Scout can earn.

    2. The summer camp credit can be used for Troop 284 summer camp or another high adventure camp that the troop participates in. The credit may be used for other Scouting programs with approval of the Troop Committee.

    3. Troop 284 Summer Camp: credit will be used to toward the summer camp parent contribution (most recently this has been $400 per Scout).

    4. High Adventure Camp: credit can also be used towards Sea Base or Philmont if the scout is not attending summer camp. In this case a Scout starts with a $200 credit (provided he sells his 50 wreaths) and then adds $40 to that for each 10 wreaths sold above 50 to the total cost of the trip. No partial credit; they must be in units of 10.

    5. The summer camp credit is good for the calendar year following wreath sales – so this year’s credit can be used for a trip prior to December 31, 2018.

    6. Credits can be transferred between family members only.


   We expect that a Scout is a member because he enjoys the scouting program.  It is important that each Scout contributes to the overall character of the Troop. We want Scouts to get the most out of the program and actively engage when attending scouting activities.  The ranks of Star, Life and Eagle Scout all have a time requirement beginning with “Be Active.” The time does NOT need to be consecutive, when calculating monthly activity. Periods of inactivity may be explained by commitments to sports teams or other worthwhile activities.

Some examples to use as a guide for where credit could be claimed toward advancement:

Attend 3 (or all meetings scheduled) in a given month (1 month credit)

Attend the November meeting and meet the sales quota (or more) for that year (1 Month Credit)

Attend 50% of the meetings in a given month and attend a Day Hike or overnight camping Trip (1 month credit)

Attend the Troop 2 week summer Camp, or another BSA camp (1 month credit)

Most Scouts will have no trouble with the "be active" requirement, but Scouts should pay attention to this requirement so as not to be disappointed when coming up for rank advancement.  

If a Scout can’t attend a meeting, they should notify their Patrol Leader by email ASAP. Attendance is taken each meeting at fall in.

If Scouts must attend leave early or arrive late, they must notify Patrol leader.

We are a rain or shine troop. If it's not dangerous - we go. One example would be that in 1979 the Appalachian Trail hike was cancelled because 3-Mile Island was having a bit of a problem.


    Email is a important part of Troop communication. Boys are expected to have a email account to receive information and respond to important troop communications. Any email communication from a scout to a leader must also have a copy to a parent or other adult leader.

   Website - The troop website is where all troop related information is found including calendar, event signup, contacts for members of troops and other relevant information. A login and password is provided for Troop membership to access

   Troop meetings - troop announcements are made after fall in

   Facebook - follow Radnor 284 and Friends of Radnor 284 (closed group to alumni  and supporters of Scout cabin)


   The Scout or parent must respond to event invitations on as soon as possible to allow for Troop and Patrol planning.


    Scouts are required to wear complete uniform Class A (shirt/neckerchief/pants/socks/hiking boots) to all scout events unless noted. Summer Class A allows Scouts to wear shorts for Troop Meetings and Campouts when noted by Senior Patrol Leader. Class B uniform consists of red Troop t shirt in place of scout shirt/neckerchief when designated by SPL for specific events. Uniform inspections will be routine. The Troop has a collection of used shirts / pants / boots for Scouts in need to donate or receive at the Scout Cabin. Click here for uniform details.


  Scouts are to bring the official and up to date handbook to all Scout meetings and events. It is the primary means of recording Scout progress - the back of the book is for advancement, service and camping hour documentation. The books need to be well marked and covered to protect them ... they also should be in in waterproof bag to protect them on outdoor trips.


   The aim of this troop is to embrace nature and to unplug from the digital world. The use of Scout CELL PHONES or similar digital devices are not allowed at Scouting events. Any Scout cell phones or digital devices will be confiscated by adult leaders at Scouting events and returned to the parent only at the end of the event.


    Scouting challenges each Scout with a thoughtful series of surmountable obstacles at each step of “advancement.” The scout plans his advancement and progresses at his own pace. It is the Scout who is to take the lead in advancement steps with the parents and Scout leaders serving as guides. For the Scout, their Scout Handbook will serve to record all advancement and should be brought to each meeting. Scout books should be well marked and with cover to protect from the elements.

    Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class are the beginning ranks and are oriented toward learning and practicing skills that will help the scout develop confidence and fitness, challenge his thought processes, introduce them to his responsibilities as a citizen, and prepare him for a successful scouting experience. A average 284 Scout is may advance to First Class within the first 2-3 years of membership with the Troop. Most of the requirements are completed with attendance troop meetings and camping trips . Some ranks may require service hours, which can be accomplished by helping fellow scouts with Eagle projects, community service events, etc. Rank requirements do not have to be done in order with scouts working on multiple rank requirements across several ranks over the scout year. Scouts may begin junior leadership roles such as Assistant Patrol Leader or Patrol Quartermaster. Scouts in Second and First Class are eligible for Den Chief or Bugler leadership positions for qualify for advancement. Click Here for Advancement Details

    Star, Life, and Eagle ranks are oriented toward developing the older scout’s interpersonal leadership abilities and gaining specific skills as demonstrated through a minimum of 21 merit badges. Thirteen are “Eagle required” and the scout can choose the other eight from among roughly 100 more. These ranks require leadership positions within the Troop that include Patrol Leader, Scribe, Instructor, Troop Guide, Historian, Quartermaster or Senior Patrol Leader and ASPL (see Leadership Positions below). These ranks also require service hours, with the Eagle rank specifically requiring a community project of  approximately 100 service hours. Click here for Eagle Scout Advancement details.


       Over 100 Merit Badges are available and enable scouts to learn about specific subjects from sports to crafts to science to trades to business and potential future careers. There is no time limit for starting and completing a merit badge, but all work must be completed by the time a scout turns 18. Click here for list of Merit Badge Counsellors

      To be eligible for Eagle rank a scout must earn a total of 21 merit badges, 14 of which are required. The following badges are required to earn Eagle rank: (1) First Aid, (2) Citizenship in the Community, (3) Citizenship in the Nation, (4) Citizenship in the World, (5) Communication, (6) Cooking, (7) Personal Fitness, (8) Emergency Preparedness OR Lifesaving, (9) Environmental Science OR Sustainability, (10) Personal Management, (11) Swimming OR Hiking OR Cycling, (12) Camping (13) Family Life and (14) Citizenship in Society (for Eagle applications after 6/2022). These do not need to be earned in any specific order.

     For each merit badge, the scout must work with a Merit Badge Counselor. MB Counselors may be found on the 284 website under ‘files’, posted at the Scout Cabin board and by asking the Scoutmaster for merit badge counselor options. The MB Counselor ensures that the scout has met all requirements to complete the badge. Most badges are covered by a parent within the Troop, which makes this relatively easy for our scouts working on badges. A parent though may not sign off for a Eagle required merit badge for their own Scout, only for elective merit badges they offer to others.

       Merit badges require the sign-off of Blue Cards by the Scoutmaster and the MB Counselor. The MB Counselor and the Scoutmaster must sign all three parts of the blue card. The Application goes to the Advancement Chair, the Counselor’s portion to the counselor, and the Applicant’s Record stays with the Scout. The Scout should file all of his applicant’s records in a safe place such as a 3-ring binder or accordion file as there may be instances where we need his copy (occasionally cards get lost).

Often MB Counselors will start an organized process for completing a merit badge during the year, particularly Eagle-required ones like Cooking or Personal Fitness. The work on requirements may then happen during weekends and on camping trips, thus maximizing everyone’s time.

     We welcome all 284 parents to become merit badge counselors. If you have a hobby or subject of particular interest, please consider becoming a merit badge counselor, even for Eagle-required merit badges. If you are interested in becoming a MB counselor, contact the Scoutmaster or Advancement Chair.


     A organized service hours are routinely offered during the Scout year. Opportunities may include working at a township event, a cleanup project at a park or school, doing a clothing pickup or running a food drive. Scouts may earn service hours by assisting on Eagle Scout projects. Service hours done independently to community organizations must be approved in advance by the Scoutmaster. All service hours must be reported to both the Service Hour Instructor and Service Hour ASM to get credit. Record your service hours in the back of your handbook.

Tenderfoot, requirement 7b: One hour of service

Second Class,requirement 8e: Two hours of service

First Class, requirement 9d: Three hours of service

Star, requirement 4: Six hours of service

Life, requirement 4: Six hours of service, at least three of which are conservation-related

Leadership Positions

  • Star rank #5 "While a First Class Scout, serve actively in your troop for four months in one or more of the following positions of responsibility (or carry out a Scoutmaster approved leadership project to help the troop)"  Den Cheif recommended

  • Life rank #5 "While a Star Scout, serve actively in your troop for six months in one or more of the positions of responsibility (or carry out a Scoutmaster approved leadership project to help the troop)"

  • Eagle Scout rank #4 "While a Life Scout, serve actively in your troop for a period of six months in one or more of the following positions of responsibility..."

Patrol Leader's Council

Senior Patrol Leader

The senior patrol leader (SPL) is elected by the Scouts to represent them as the top youth leader in the troop. He runs all troop meetings, events, activities, the annual program planning conference, and the patrol leaders' council meeting. He appoints other troop youth leaders (except for junior assistant Scoutmaster) with the advice and counsel of the Scoutmasterup to 6 months credit

Assistant Senior Patrol Leader

The assistant senior patrol leader (ASPL) is the second highest-ranking youth leader in the troop. He is appointed by the senior patrol leader with the approval of the Scoutmaster. The assistant senior patrol leader acts as the senior patrol leader in the absence of the senior patrol leader or when called upon. He also provides leadership to other youth leaders in the troop. up to 3 months credit

Patrol Leader

The patrol leader is the elected leader of his patrol. He represents his patrol on the patrol leaders’ council and appoints the assistant patrol leaderup to 6 months credit

 Troop Guide

The troop guide works with new Scouts in a troop. He helps them feel comfortable and earn their First Class rank within 12 to 18 months. He teaches basic Scout skills and works with the patrol leader at patrol leaders’ council meetings. (requires written and Scoutmaster Approved Leadership Project for up to 3 months credit)

Other troop leadership positions

Den Chief - recommended as first Leadership position for Star - minimum committment of 4 months and attends Pack 284 /19 weeknight meetings - recommended for Star Rank

          The den chief works with the Cub ScoutsWebelos Scouts, and den leaders in the Cub Scout pack. Helps Cub Scouts advance through Cub Scout ranks and encourages Cub Scouts to join a Scouts BSA troop upon graduation.

           (Appointed by the Scoutmaster and reports to Cubmaster)

Troop Quartermaster

The quartermaster keeps track of troop equipment and sees that it is in good working order. He keeps records on patrol and troop equipment, makes sure equipment is in good working condition, and issues equipment and makes sure it is returned in good condition. (Appointed by the SPL up to 6 months credit)


The scribe keeps the troop records. He records the activities of the patrol leaders’ council and keeps a record of dues, advancement, and Scout attendance at troop meetings. ( up to 6 months credit)


The historian preserves troop photographs, news stories, trophies, flags, scrapbooks, awards, and other memorabilia. (requires written and Scoutmaster Approved Leadership Project for up to 3 months credit)


The instructor teaches Scouting skills - COPE - Orienteering - Canoeing - Service . (requires written and Scoutmaster Approved Leadership Project for up to 3 months credit)

Junior Assistant Scoutmaster

The junior assistant Scoutmaster (JASM) serves in the capacity of an Assistant Scoutmaster except where legal age and maturity are required. He must be at least 16 years old and not yet 18. He is appointed by the Scoutmaster because of his leadership ability.

Order of the Arrow Representative

The Order of the Arrow Representative is a youth liaison serving between the local Order of the Arrow (OA) lodge or chapter and his troop. In his unit, he helps meet the needs of the unit and will serve as a communication and programmatic link to and from Arrowmen, adult leaders and Scouts who are not presently members of the Order. (requires written and Scoutmaster Approved Leadership Project for up to 3 months credit)

Assistant Patrol Leader/Patrol QM

          The assistant patrol leader is appointed by the patrol leader and leads the patrol in his absence. They also assist in Patrol QM duties. He represents his patrol at patrol leaders’ council meetings when the patrol leader cannot attend. The assistant patrol leader position does not count towards leadership requirements for StarLife, or Eagle Scout.


        The Scoutmaster Conference is a scheduled meeting with the Scoutmaster and Scout at the Troop meeting or at a campout to review completed requirements prior to completion of rank. The Scout should schedule the conference well before the Board of Review and no later than the Troop Meeting that precedes the Board of review.

       The Board of Review (BOR) is the last official step in a scout’s rank advancement where Scouts discuss their advancement effort before a panel of 3 volunteer adults. Several BORs are held annually and usually held at Wayne Presbyterian Church on weeknight evenings. The Scout will need all requirements and Handbook signatures before they can sit for the BOR without exception. Scouts attending a BOR must be in Class A Dress Uniform -- including boots or dark shoes, scout socks (the official scout socks from the Scout Store!), neckerchief, and merit badge sash. The scout must also bring his scout handbook to the BOR.


        Several times a year (October, March and June), the Troop has a recognition ceremonies, the Advancement Chair recognizes scout achievements from rank advancement to merit badges to other special awards that have been earned since the last BOR. Family members are invited to COH ceremonies to celebrate the scouts’ accomplishments.

Honor Patrol Throughout the year Patrols earn points towards Honor Patrol. Points are earned for best attendance, uniform inspection, elective challenges such as orienteering/breakfast challenge, total wreath sales, Delmont Olympics, First aid competition, Patrol competition, and Cooking contest. Honor Patrol is presented at the June Roundup. The winning Patrol gets first choice of campsites at summer camp. Honor Patrol and PL winners can be found on a plaque in the cabin.

First Aid Competition

Each winter, the Troop practices First Aid and has a CPR certification session. The First Aid training culminates with a Troop Competition for the Mayer Trophy each February and the District First Aid Pennypacker trophy in early March.

District Scenarios

Troop Scenarios

Patrol Competition

1) log pull and lift - timber hitch pull and lift

2) fire start and string burn - 1 foot off ground

3) knot relay - 

  • Square Knot (Tenderfoot 3a)

  • Two Half-Hitches (Tenderfoot 3b)

  • Taut-Line Hitch (Tenderfoot 3c)

  • Sheet Bend (Second-Class 2f)

  • Bowline (Second-Class 2g)

4) lashing race - build a triangle with clove hitch / square lashings from three spars and carry

5) tug of war

6) patrol jeopardy - one scout per patrol

7) arm wrestle - one scout per patrol

8) push ups - one scout per patrol


 1) Mayer Patrol  First Aid Award  - February Patrol Event

 2) Pennypacker First Aid Patrol Award - March District Competition

 3) The Silver Spoon Patrol Award, determined at the parent / Scout Camp Out cooking competition - first place in cooking dinner is judged on quality as well as presentation / decoration / theme

 4) The Fractured Pot Patrol Award, last place in cooking competition

 5) Honor Patrol Award - the standout patrol of the year

 6) Scout Advancement Award - most rank and MB advancement of the scouting year 

 7) Patrol Leaders Honor Scout Award - awarded by PL's and Staff to outstanding Scout in the patrols

 8) Ferguson Leadership Award - awarded by Scoutmaster to Staff who exceeded demonstrated exceptional leadership over the year (optional)

 9) Iron Scout Award - Scouts who have achieved Swimming/Cycling/Hiking Merit Badges


     Summer camp is the highlight of the Scout Year. Our trips run 2 weeks in the end of July and include Lake George, Adirondack Canoe Trip, Resica Falls Fawn Run and Maryland/West VA/PA .  The average cost of two weeks of summer camp is $450 with signups and beginning nonrefundable payments in March at Court of Honor. Camperships/financial assistance for summer camp is available to needy scouts on a individual basis with requests submitted to Troop Committee Chair.

     It is important to ensure clear instructions and guidance for scouts and parents regarding summer camp and to state the requirements to attend.  Radnor Troop 284 is a high adventure Scout Led organization and thus all efforts should be made to preserve and ensure this leadership structure is maintained and the spirit of adventure is maintained. Summer camp is a special event for the Scouts and recommended for Scouts to attend as it allows them to bond with the troop and significantly advance their learning and standing in the  troop.  However, often the conditions can be extreme and safety becomes paramount.  It is not uncommon for the troop to be isolated from modern transportation and isolated from cell  phone signals at times.  It is also critical Scouts and Parents/Guardians are fully able embrace the scouting experience.  Thus, any individual wishing to attend summer camp needs to ensure they comply with the following requirements developed and followed over many years by Radnor Troop 284.  The following requirements should help parents/guardians understand the requirements for attending summer camp.  We require all scouts to attend both weeks of camp, there is no one week option.  In years when  the troop sends crews to Philmont those who have been on a two week Trek to Philmont have the option of attending one week of camp, but are encouraged to join the Troop for the full two weeks. Scout Requirements to attend summer camp: 

- Attend at least two camp outs prior to attending   

- Full attendance for 2 weeks (unless attended Philmont that year)  

- Physically fit for activities scheduled  

- Medical Forms completed  

- Fully able and willing to be a functioning member of a Patrol or Crew   

- Swimming merit badge completed  

- No significant safety risks expected for the Scout or others in contact with the Scout 

For Adults

- Review completely and agree to follow the “Parent Guidelines for Camping with Radnor Troop 284” 

- All adults accompanying a Scouting unit who are present at the activity for 72 total  hours or more must be registered as leaders.  The 72 hours need not be consecutive.  

- Attend at least two camp outs prior to attending

- Full attendance for at least one summer camp week as adult leader

- Complete all training :  

      o Youth Protection Training - required

      o BSA Swim Test  - required

      o BSA Safety Afloat  

      o BSA Hazardous Weather Training  

      o BSA Safe Swim Defense Plan 

      o Paddle Craft Safety Training (as applicable to the summer camp) 

      o Certify to Serve as a Merit Badge counselor  

      o Plan to attend Introduction to Outdoor Leadership Skills (IOLS ? 2 day training) 

- Physically fit for activities scheduled - train before!!

- Medical Forms completed 

- Sign up to teach merit badges  

- Assume a role and fully participate on the summer camp  

- Purchase and wear Class A uniform and or Class B as required to troop standards




Help your Scout create a system to organize his scouting career -- blue cards, advancement requirements, uniform components, etc.

Guide him through communications with adult and scout leaders, but make sure he does the communicating themself.

Periodically check-in with them to understand what requirements need to be completed and suggest ways and times for him to complete them.

Volunteer for BORs – you will gain an understanding of the scouting process, so you can guide your Scout even better.

Become a Merit Badge Counselor – pick a topic that interests you or you have experience with and enjoy mentoring these scouts – it’s really not too challenging even for Eagle-required badges.

Review the 284 website ( and – you’ll find many resources there with a little exploring.

Please don’t hesitate to contact a Troop Leader with any questions or concerns. We want to ensure scouting with Troop 284 is a positive experience for everyone.

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